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Choose954 Podcast Episode 34 With Ivan Dynamo De Jesus aka Dynamo - Creator Of AXEN Club

Writer's picture: DYEEY EELDYEEY EEL

Host: So we are back here on Shoes 9 5 4 podcast episode 33 with the creator of Action Pub. I've been dining with the pages ahead of his a creative Zen top coming up this Friday April 12 at the new General Provision co-working space in downtown Fort Lauderdale. He didn’t know about Shoes 9 5 4, we started the social movement to cultivate culture, community here in Broward County where I’m from in an effort to keep people to know with all the great things that are going on and make this a better place to live and not just a better place to vacation. The point of the podcast is to connect you with incredible people like him doing amazing things in the community.

Host: So that much further ado what you tell us a little bit about Dynamo at a high level.

Guest: So thanks for having me on it. I'm a big fan of yours with the benefit of everything that you do in the community and yeah like me here I am a person that really believes in possibility I and local to South Florida and I just kind of went through life for the first 30 years of my life kind of going through the motions of what everybody had is expected to do going to school going to college et cetera and then and then you get into the workforce you try to figure out what it is that you want to do and I've been right around the time of the bus turn 30 I looked at my life and I had all these things that I thought I wanted to do and they hadn't happened yet and it didn't look like they were going to happen I don't know if your audience or yourself you have an experience where you think you're going to show up to your 10 year reunion and a helicopter war or you you think you're gonna start that business or go to Europe or whatever it is and life starts passing by and birthday start compounding and you know you look around it and you're your life is kind of that tedium that rat race and I just had all these things I really wanted to do I didn't even know how to get started and it led me to being really depressed I had a hard time getting up that I was frustrated and I just felt like like if this is what life is about I just I didn't feel very motivated to continue I wasn't suicidal or anything like that like like there were moments where it hit like if the world swallowed me up like he'll hit with that and and so I was listening to all the motivational talks it's only Robin's TED Talks that list the reading books on personal development like that and I just wasn't doing it so I it sound like everybody knows what they need to do to be able to get six pack abs right but for whatever reason thing I'm going in but they don't work out the way that they're supposed to like it's not complicated we all know what it is that you need to do but like it's it's simple but it doesn't make it and essentially what I said to myself was well I know that if I if I say to Evan Evan we're gonna meet at the gym at 7:30 I know I wouldn't let you down and so I knew that about myself I knew that there were like I I don't like letting people down book club before Nathan felt like I would always learn more because of that dialogue and so I started I thought well maybe if I had like an accountability group that hold me accountable things that I Sam that I do maybe that would help and I looked for one and there wasn't any so I started one and now it's been over seven years and there's over the United States and one here at Fort Lauderdale and anybody that knows dynamo that opportunity with them she's with him at 10:00 actually Club her otherwise if you actually know now you would you would say how is that possible and you know dynamo was at a point where he wasn't able to get out of bed but you know we all struggled and we appreciate your authenticity and your vulnerability and being genuine and that's that Jake that authenticity has shined through with so many people that depth that you connected with that you touch that has let us this point that's as far as that we're taking action club private conversations with you or the other initiatives that you started I know you've done a lot of things to try and a lot of things kind of what's been the process that you got to this point between playing market and LP in kind of how have you drove your own research of development got to this point it's a great question I people ask all the time like that I read a lot of a pretty great and now it's been more audiobooks is a really busy but I like to consume information specifically on others that colony from overseas program date behavioral therapy like just different things that help me understand and deconstruct my problems and figure it out of the seven Habits people like bogey stuff like that and I always wanted to like find that magic bullet like that one thing that oh okay I'm gonna read that book and then that'll solve and it's really not like that it's you know I had some major breakthroughs but I couldn't tell you oh that was the straw that broke the camel's back like I think they call all the strong tonight so yeah I've done landmark Antonio it's tough you know I've done a lot of the neuro-linguistic programming and I think the most important thing 80% of success whatever whatever goal it is and I've seen hundreds of me by this point coming close to get hundred twenty four thousand numbers that I've seen through the years and exit and the common denominator for people that have succeeded or at least make progress is I really believe 80% of success is just showing up yep that's it just continue to show up right and I mean it's it sounds a little too simple but it really is just about showing up that's a practice at Eric are all the other things that you mentioned you're right there is no one thing it was you started reading at an early age in that to your discovery with books and want to explore more we tell it's a landmark in NLP and meditation and mindfulness that working out just like everything yeah and so like the first thing to do at accident and the reason it's called accent it's a text en it's a it's the motivation of taking action Einstein said nothing happens until something moves meaning he couldn't explain the universe or the origins of the universal Big Bang Theory relativity which is what he's known for without having a first action right and so if you was rewinding the universe it was you know the cause and effect chain like I'm here because my parents met and my parents are here because their parents met right and you can go back and that cause and effect chain back you know into the origin of the universe right and so he says nothing happens until something moves because then you can kind of like reverse engineer where something came from so like the reason you're watching this or the reason you speak English for example if you're listening to this and you understand we're saying is because you're in the United States and that's the language that we speak here and so everything has a cause and so really in that cause-and-effect painting most people are at effects right most people are living reactionary lives and I was - and and where you want to be as you wanna be at cause and what that means is if you're if you have the life that you're living if the job that you have if the how you spend your time but people you surround yourself with if that is engineer if you're not a person that consciously ask yourself questions that I really believe the quality of a person's life is based off of probably the question to ask themselves if you don't ask yourself why teens they're really figure out what it is that you want to create for yourself in this world you're not at cause you're really not effect like most people well like you know go to school to get a job to them get an internship and then make it into the master's program did I be able to get into that entry-level positions and then be able to get in fact that raise that promotion get headhunted going to be able to get into the that corner office and then be able to get into the best Cemetery on earth right like at what point do you live right and so so it's really the first thing we do at accent and I am getting to the where the word comes from is that first part action and then the reflection of that actually the Zen about actually seeing if you're having a sensory if you would even see if the action they are getting closer to what you are and who you're becoming through those actions that self-reflective process so nothing happens until something moves and in examining that it's like Socrates the unexamined life is not worth living right so those two thoughts kind of put together taking action because it doesn't nothing happen so back and reflecting on that action it's kind of like how do you navigate towards creating the life that you want for your song that's really what the club's about the first assignment that we do that accent is you write down a list of 150 plus light poles basically our desires and I joke oh there you go Edmonds lists this is my action oh [ __ ] oh nice yeah and if you get more than 276 roles if you write more than 276 goals I buy you a lap dance and or a burrito anyway that that yeah we've had two people cash in on the Rio border nobody wants a lap dance it doesn't have to be for me the lap dance can be from anyone any of any willing person what's the record at right now 276 276 yeah and out of my list of to hundreds of music schools I'm overlaying the I'm approaching a hundred and some of the ones that I've such a deprivation chamber skydiving and gliding rock climbing whitewater rafting in this is all after that point where I was like frustrated to the practice and you know I've done something really like amazing things that I never thought I would experience our canal business I've done so many great things and really the best is yet to come and and it's not so much any of the goals that I've achieved that have really good the payoffs it's who I become in the achievement of the goals I'm such a different person that person who's depressed and couldn't get out of it like now I'm just you know I don't have enough hours of the day and it's not that like I'm so super non-human I still have days on them off I still show a little things but it's that iterative process that's really refined means it's the essence of who I really am and people in the course of life get lost in the day-to-day shuffle Olga live you're supposed to be living or play and have a balance we've found many people live work go home for sleep sleep rinse and repeat yeah there's so much more than that and you mentioned that process of right go to school you graduate internship got a natural progression well you know what in 2019 there's other people besides the Sally Smith nine-to-five worker yeah there is dreamers doers passion of stewardesses entrepreneurs and that's who were working support in our creative entrepreneurial community and oftentimes the and attendees of action are creative entrepreneurs are creative entrepreneurs but we've seen some beautiful things come from that we'll get to it a little bit I should reference Michael lists I'm only at 47 but I actually had a very interesting exercise which you know maybe we should suggest people do this I had 35 goals written down from when we started in April 17 and I think I stopped writing them down for a period of time and I resumed in April 2000 18 - I can actually I believe the day that I resumed writing the goals down 34 was half choose nine five former days in April 2017 well the day that I resumed and I looked at the most recent goal we had just created and shoot that five for merchandise so talk a little bit about this piece of which I feel is very important the process of writing down 150 life goals and that exercise and and process the difference between a dream and a bowl a dream exists in your head or bold exists on paper or on your phone you're outside of yourself written down and it's really a process of taking what it is that you want and that that is that sitting includes short we want beautiful right so it's not necessarily about Lamborghini for example like there's a member in Miami that he bought a Lamborghini Chris or drew story and he took us for a spin and Lamborghini it was fun but it's not about that it's not about learning how to dance salsa or making cheese or beer or learning how to jump a little like it doesn't matter what the goal is you are always watching yourself either show up or not show up where yourself so as you flex that goal achievement muscle and you continue to do things and you continue to show up and going back to that 80% of success official go if you continue to show up for yourself consistently you start to reprogram your right any and when you write down it doesn't surprise me that you go down get merch or you like my horror and then it happened because if you are research like creating that as a possibility and then it's just a matter of taking the steps to make it happen but it's it's amazing how many things float around in our head but there's something very tangible about writing and there's been studies done one the California the University of the videogame California in the university or some like that that the difference between somebody who like just States a bowl and then try to achieve it a year's resolution states a new year's resolution and tries to achieve it versus somebody who writes it down shares it with somebody and tries to achieve it it's like that person the second person is three times more likely to write a


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Certainly! Here is the continuation of the script with the times removed and the names of the speakers added, as per your request:

Guest: ... It's like that person, the second person, is three times more likely to achieve it. Visualization, I mean.

Host: I look back. I believe another one of my goals was to travel to Europe, to go to the Venice Biennale with my best friend Ernest.

Guest: Nice.

Host: Yeah. I mean, really, some interesting things. Some of them, interestingly and transparently enough for me, have come to fruition. Some of them don’t, and that’s okay.

Guest: Yeah. No, it’s a—it really is a thought exercise, a possibility exercise. Like, if 20 years ago, we thought we would be able to consume video the way we do today, that wasn’t a reality. We used to watch video only through television, and you had to get onto a news station or be interviewed for a show. But now, we don’t even know what’s really possible. The limitations of what we think is reality are much smaller than the possibilities.

Guest: To your point, it’s really important to recognize that it’s not about achieving every single goal. For example, one of my goals on my list is to cryogenically freeze myself and be reanimated once aging can be reversed. Now, that might never happen, but it’s something creative I wrote down. And when you’re a kid, you think of wild things like wanting a limousine with a swimming pool in it, or one that turns into a helicopter. But as adults, reality sets in, and we stop dreaming. A lot of that is shaped by how society expects us to be.

Guest: Optimists are often called dreamers, and pessimists call themselves realists. But how many people limit themselves by being "realists"? Think about it—look at the technology we have now. This conversation we’re having right now—how our voices are being recorded and shared—that’s magic, as far as I’m concerned. If you tried to explain this to a caveman, or even someone from just a few hundred years ago, they’d probably burn you at the stake for being a wizard!

Host: Exactly. I mean, look at airplanes. We’re in a tube flying through the air at 35,000 feet. That would’ve sounded impossible years ago, but now it’s reality.

Guest: Exactly. So why do we limit ourselves? The process of writing down your goals is about tapping into that inner child who believes anything is possible. Why do we kill that part of ourselves? Why do we shut it off? Society does it to us, but Action Club is a space where we can reignite that belief in possibility. Where we can dream again and take action to turn those dreams into reality.

Host: I’m glad you said that. I really want to make a point of this. Number one, if you find this conversation to be interesting, meaningful, or beneficial to your life—or think it could benefit someone else—please share it. Send it to a friend who has an idea but doesn’t know where to start, or someone who needs support. Whether they live in South Florida or not, who knows what might come from this conversation?

Host: This will be on Facebook, YouTube, SoundCloud, and more. So share it! You never know who might be inspired by it. As you’ve mentioned before, it’s not about turnout, right? I’m not frustrated if more people haven’t adopted this mindset yet. One of my things in life is that turnout is not indicative of success. I’d rather go deeper than wider. If I can make an impact on just one person’s life, that’s more meaningful to me than having a hundred unengaged people show up to an event.

Guest: Absolutely. When I started Action Club, it wasn’t about having huge turnouts. I said to myself, if I help one person, then I’m already successful. And I’ve stayed true to that. It’s not about getting a hundred people in the room. I’d rather have a small group of deeply engaged people who are there for the right reasons. That’s what matters to me.

Host: And you’ve seen that time and again, right? I mean, some of the stories that have come out of Action Club are incredible. You’ve helped people with everything from starting businesses to personal growth. That kind of impact is what it’s all about.

Guest: Yeah, exactly. The thing is, we’ve seen so many beautiful things come from Action Club. People have started their own companies, pursued their passions, and made incredible strides. It’s been really fulfilling to see. And the fact that we’re providing this support system, free of charge, to help people do that—well, that’s the "why" behind it all.

Guest: There is no cost, no catch, no money involved. People come as they wish. We respect their ideas, their goals, and their dreams. It’s just about creating a safe space where people can come to grow, and where we, as a community, can support each other.

Host: That’s amazing. And I think that’s such an important message. You know, there’s no catch, no cost—people just show up, they get supported, and they start achieving their goals. It’s really about the community, about the support. And I think that’s why Action Club has had such a profound impact on so many people.

Guest: Yeah, that’s the essence of it. It’s about creating a place where people can feel supported, where they can show up and be held accountable, and where they know they’re not alone in their journey. It’s really powerful when people come together with a shared purpose.

Host: And I think the reason it’s so powerful is because it’s ongoing. It’s not a one-time event. You know, a lot of times, people go to these seminars or conferences and leave feeling great, but then they get back to their daily lives and that momentum fades away. With Action Club, it’s about creating a consistent, ongoing support system.

Guest: Exactly. That’s what makes it different from a weekend seminar. You don’t go to the gym for a week and then never work out again. You keep going. Action Club is like a gym for your goals. It’s about showing up every week, breaking down your goals into actionable steps, and having people around you who will hold you accountable. It’s about creating that consistency.

Host: And that consistency is so important, especially when it comes to long-term goals. You need that ongoing support and accountability to keep moving forward, to keep making progress.

Guest: Absolutely. And that’s why we meet every week. It’s not just about setting goals; it’s about taking action, reflecting on that action, and then taking the next step. It’s a continuous process. And the group provides that support and accountability to keep you moving forward.

Host: That’s so key—taking action, reflecting on it, and then taking the next step. It’s a cycle of growth. And having that group of people around you who are also striving toward their goals makes all the difference.

Guest: Yeah, it really does. It’s amazing how much progress people make when they have that community of support. We’ve seen people do things they never thought they could do, just because they had that group cheering them on and holding them accountable.

Host: I love that. And I think that’s what makes Action Club so special—it’s not just about achieving goals, it’s about who you become in the process.

Guest: Exactly. It’s not just about checking things off a list. It’s about the growth that happens along the way. The person you become as you work toward your goals is even more important than the goals themselves. And that’s what we focus on at Action Club—helping people grow and become the best versions of themselves.

Host: That’s such a powerful message. And I think it’s something that a lot of people need to hear, especially in today’s world. There’s so much focus on external success, but the real success is internal—it’s about who you become, not just what you achieve.

Guest: Absolutely. And that’s the message we try to get across at Action Club. It’s not about the Lamborghini or the corner office or whatever external goal you might have. It’s about the person you become in the process of pursuing your dreams. That’s where the real fulfillment comes from.

Host: I love that. Well, thank you so much for being here today and sharing your story. I know you’ve inspired a lot of people, including myself.

Guest: Thank you for having me. It’s been a pleasure.

Host: Alright, everyone, make sure to check out Action Club, follow them on Facebook, and if you’re in South Florida, come to one of their meetings. Trust me, you won’t regret it. And don’t forget to join us next Friday for Create Zen at the new General Provision space in Fort Lauderdale. It’s going to be an amazing event, and I can’t wait to see you all there.

Guest: I’m going to be sharing how I made a million dollars.

Host: How about that! We also encourage you to join us for the Flower and the Gun Festival, which I mentioned earlier, happening Monday, April 15th, at District 13, Middle River Terrace, Fort Lauderdale. There is a donation involved with the event, and tickets are $100 to go toward Bond Against Guns. Adam Dolis’ studio has funded a lot of this out of his own pocket, which we sincerely appreciate. In addition to hiring Andrew and myself from Shoes 9 5 4 to market and produce the event, we’re also hosting the “Meet the Artist” preview on Sunday, from 3:30 to 6:30 at the gallery space, 535 13th Street, Middle River Terrace.

Host: We’ll have an artist talk with Adam Dolis, curated by Laura Marsh from the Hollywood Art and Culture Center. Adam’s artwork is thought-provoking and addresses the important issue of gun violence. Art really is a problem-solver, and this event will raise awareness about an issue that tragically hit home with the Parkland shooting.

Host: On a brighter note, we encourage everyone to join us for Raw Storytelling, which takes place every second Thursday of the month for free in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Check out for more information. We’re also proud to have So Far Sounds as a supporting sponsor, which just had an amazing show at Art Serve this week! I encourage everyone to sign up at to attend these secret, intimate performances in unique locations. It’s a really cool experience where you get to discover local talent.

Host: So, again, don’t forget to check out those upcoming events. And if you haven’t already, follow Shoes 9 5 4 on social media to stay updated on everything we’ve got going on.

Host: But before we wrap up, I want to give a huge thank you to Dynamo for joining us today. Your story is incredibly inspiring, and I know it’s going to resonate with so many people.

Guest: Thanks, man. It’s been a pleasure to be here. I really appreciate the opportunity to share what we’re doing with Action Club. If it can help even one person, then it’s all worth it.

Host: No doubt about it. I’m sure you’re going to inspire more than just one person. So, everyone listening, don’t forget to check out Action Club, follow Dynamo on all social media platforms, and come out to one of their meetings if you can. Trust me, it’ll change your life.

Guest: Thanks again, I appreciate it.

Host: Alright, that’s it for this episode of Shoes 9 5 4. Thanks to everyone who tuned in. We’ll be back next week with another incredible guest, so stay tuned, and until then, keep pushing toward your goals!

Host: And remember—nothing happens until something moves. Take action. See you next time!



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