Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66jdrSymcyU&list=PLOQvdw7d0cd9RZZkd2lZy2hmrnJv-cfLI&index=86
Evan:All right, so we are back here on the Choose954 podcast. A good friend and videographer, Fred Reyes from Enterrupt Studios, is here.
For those of you that don't know about Choose954, we started a social movement to cultivate culture and community, bringing people together over our shared passions: art, food, music, tech talks. In an effort to make Fort Lauderdale and Broward County a better place to live, and not just a better place to vacation. If people knew all the cool stuff that was going on—which we will kind of fill you in on a little bit here—Fred has played a vital role in helping us do this as our home team videographer, shooting most of our videos from events. You might remember things like our Fort Lauderdale, the Downtown Hollywood mural project walking tour, and we’ll talk a little bit more about that.
I appreciate you joining us here, Fred. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background here.
Fred Reyes:Well, I am a videographer, obviously, but I’m also a father, a veteran, and an entrepreneur. I shoot videos and make magic happen.
Evan:You make magic happen. How did you get started on the video piece?
Fred Reyes:Well, I’ve always had a passion for doing videos. I used to do a lot of personal videos for my family, and I always had a little flair about them. My family members would say, "Wow, you should really take this seriously and do something about it." I kind of put it off for a while, and then my wife got laid off from her job. I thought, "Let me try it." I invested some money into it, and after the first video I did, things started to snowball. And here we are.
Evan:Yeah, we’ve been snowballing quite a bit. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about what you’ve shot and the portfolio you’ve built up so far?
Fred Reyes:Some of the first videos that put me on the map were for Cash Only. They had a lot of events with big DJs like Robbie Rivera and hip-hop artists like KRS-One. From there, I did other promotional videos with you and for some other events. I just did a concert with Electric Love Productions for some Hollywood artists, like Cash Patel. It was very interesting, and I’d like to take my skills to that arena, doing large concerts.
Evan:Yeah, and I remember when we got started, doing the pool parties and shooting some videos. It’s been cool to watch the evolution and be a part of it. It’s been a great experience, and it’s really helped us a lot from a visual storytelling perspective.
Why do you feel video is important in storytelling?
Fred Reyes:Right now, with the turn of technology and social media, video is everything. If you have a story to tell or want to promote your business, pictures only go so far. You want to give the viewer the actual experience of being there. I try to capture that in my videos—putting you in my shoes, showing what it’s like to be at that party or in that store or restaurant.
Evan:Yeah, that’s key. From our perspective on Choose954 and our Fort Lauderdale side, it has really helped paint the picture, like for Art Fair on the Water, showing people the boats and homes. Photos can only show so much. We’ve also had a big hit with the video you did for the Downtown Hollywood mural project walking tour. It happens every second Saturday of the month at 6 p.m.
You did an amazing job, and the attendance has increased. It’s been a big hit for the project and for the city of Hollywood and the Hollywood CRA. Even the CVB, the Convention and Business Bureau, picked it up and shared it, which we appreciate. It’s made a big difference.
What’s next for you? What do you want to do moving forward?
Fred Reyes:I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I don’t have a specific direction; I feel like I want to do it all. Whether it’s short films, commercials, or lifestyle videos, I want to shoot it all.
Evan:You’ve been helping Greg tremendously at Noblemen’s Cut and Shave too, right?
Fred Reyes:Absolutely. For his videos, I don’t just show a standard barbershop experience. I like to show the feeling of being in his barbershop. If you look at those videos, you get the atmosphere, which is very professional and welcoming. It’s like your own man cave away from home.
Evan:Yeah, and by visually storytelling the barbershop and Greg’s work, it really helped him get the word out about his brand, especially with the rebranding to Noblemen’s. It also helped with the great work he’s doing with the Backpack Barber nonprofit, which we both support.
Fred Reyes:Yes, and we’ve had some great experiences on the film production side too, with our friend Frederick Blake.
Evan:Tell us about the short film you and Eric produced through Uncivil Films.
Fred Reyes:My buddy Eric, another veteran and good friend, and I came together with his film company Uncivil Films. We produced a short film called The Reflexes. It’s about a soldier coming home and struggling to find his place in society, dealing with deployments and the inner demons many soldiers face.
Evan:That sounds powerful. Where can people check it out?
Fred Reyes:You can check it out on YouTube at Uncivil Films, and follow us on Instagram. If you have any connections in film festivals or the film industry, we’d appreciate any support to help take us to the next level.
Evan:What equipment do you shoot with?
Fred Reyes:Right now, I shoot with a Sony A7S II for video, and I do photography with a Sony A7 II. For cinematic quality, it’s an amazing camera. I push for that cinematic feel; I don’t want things that look like they were shot with a cell phone. It tricks the eye into thinking you’re watching something shot on a $50,000 camera.
Evan:And the drone?
Fred Reyes:Yes, I shoot with a Phantom 4 drone and also use the DJI Ronin camera stabilizer.
Evan:You’ve come a long way. If someone wants to find your work, where should they go?
Fred Reyes:You can find the videos I’ve produced for Choose954 on the Choose954 Facebook page under the video tab. There’s a playlist for videos done by Enterrupt Studios, and we’ll be adding to that playlist tonight after shooting a video at the Fort Lauderdale Art Walk.
Evan:If you have an event, a business, or if you’re a realtor with a property that needs to be shot, Fred has done great real estate video footage too. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Enterrupt Studios.
Fred Reyes:That’s right.
Evan:You can catch us tonight at the Art Walk. Just a few other things to keep in mind: We’re still doing our Choose954 Local Arts Discovery Series live pop-up every Wednesday at YOLO. We’re up to our 75th week now with different artists, and Fred shot a video for that before. We need to get you back out there to shoot another one.
Fred Reyes:I would definitely do it again.
Evan:You can also catch us every second Thursday night of the month for RAW Storytelling with our good friend Enid. You can find out more at rawstorytelling.com. We also have Creative Zen, our monthly breakfast lecture series, every second Friday morning. We’ll have Kenneth Ruiz, the founder of MagChop, as this month’s speaker.
We do a curated newsletter, so if you’re not getting it, drop me a note, and I’ll add you to the list. If you have an event or want coverage, or if you want to activate your brand or business, reach out to us.
Thanks for coming on today, Fred, and we’ll see you guys on the flip side.